About Us

Our Origin Story

Walton Maslow was born out of disbelief...

After having both worked in the corporate world, as CEOs of our own companies and investors, we surveyed the deal sourcing industry and couldn’t quite believe some of the antics we witnessed:

  • "Deals" that  stood no chance of making the investors who bought them any money were being pushed shamelessly...
  • Customer service (where it existed at all) was terrible...
  • Huge amounts of critical information was withheld from clients before asking them to part with their money...

Eventually, we figured that if this industry was going to change, we’d have to join forces and do it ourselves... 

A New Philosophy

When we founded the company, we asked ourselves:

"What would a firm that didn't just care about making as much money as possible for the sourcer, but instead had a focus on building a long-term relationship with a client by focussing on their best interests, look like?"

We boiled it down to the three core values we operate by today (click to see more), namely:

1) White-glove Service

2) Transparency

3) Partnership

Why "Walton Maslow"?

We wanted to pick a name which represented those values, and it was inspired by quotes from two chaps we find inspiring.

“There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else.”

- Sam Walton, Founder of Walmart

That quote from Sam Walton is responsible for the first half. We wanted to constantly remind ourselves that you - the customer - are our boss!

The second half of our name comes from psychologist Abraham Maslow, who famously created Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. He said that the very top level (self-actualisation) is a desire to “become everything one is capable of becoming.” 

“What a man can be, he must be. This  we call self-actualisation…. It refers to man’s desire... to become everything one is capable of becoming.”

- Abraham Maslow

The freedom, life options and security property brings, is your route to becoming everything you (and your family) are capable of becoming. That, to us, is sacred.

Meet the Founders

You’ve read how the company came to be, what our values are and how we do business, so it’d be rude not to introduce ourselves, too.

Our names are Andrés and Jonathan and we’re the Managing Directors behind Walton Maslow.

Outside of being full-time property investors ourselves, between us, we've:

  • Toured with music legend Stevie Wonder

  • Built a digital marketing agency with employees on three continents, while learning at the feet of mentor Scott “The $150 million Man” Rewick

  • Raised over £5 million in financing for a luxury Swiss watch brand, in conjunction with Audemars Piguet

  • Worked as a U.S. Equities broker for J.P.Morgan, with top asset managers, mutual funds and hedge funds as clients

  • Built a successful executive recruitment agency and business consultancy 

Our… eclectic… backgrounds have provided us with a unique set of skills, network of connections and outlook on how business should be done, and it’s this that we believe gives us our edge over the competition.

Interested In Working with Us?

If you’re interested in joining the Walton Maslow tribe here’s what to do next...

If you're:

  • An investor looking to grow a hands-free portfolio,
  • A developer looking for off-market land, 
  • Have property you want to sell quickly, or
  • Just want to learn more...

Please click the button below, select the most relevant appointment time and schedule a time to talk with us.

We’ll learn about your situation, give you ideas on how you can maximise your investment capital and see if we’re a good fit.

Looking forward to helping you achieve your goals,

Andrés and Jonathan